Monday, October 1, 2012

Good design goes to heaven; bad design goes everywhere

Good design goes to heaven; bad design goes everywhere.
— Mieke Gerritzen

I'm a sucker for good design.

The above box of matches, which is about 3.5 inches long, was coyly tucked into a goodie bag at an event. The classic flamingo illustration comes from a reference book (plate 45, Phoenicopterus Ruber). A simple, clear sticker brands it for Laura U, an exceptional interior design boutique in Houston. 

Why is this box of matches so great? 
1. You always can use matches (admit it, you swipe a few matchbooks when you leave that restaurant!)
2. These matches are long enough to light about 20 candles at a time
3. If you're lighting all those candles, you're probably hosting a dinner party so your cool matches reflect your cool personality
4. This matchbox design truly reflects the distinctive Laura U style: elegant, classy, proportioned

Candlelight changes everything.

In an era of the visualization of the web (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest et al), it sure is a truism that bad design goes everywhere. Great brands understand what it means to be true to their design roots and not just slapping on a virtual coat of paint. Glad to see that this fine Houston company has nailed design on the head.

What everyday item impresses you with its awesome design?

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